
Custom Dashboards: A Revolution in Legal Data Management

Published on February 6, 2024
4 minute read
Devon Roth
Written by Devon Roth

Law practices such as yours are drowning in the sea of disparate data sources. Marketing performance, advertising ROI, team performance and efficiency – modern firms manage a swath of complicated and sometimes confusing metrics related to their intake, marketing, and financial health.

For too long, these data points have been scattered across applications, hidden under windows and tabs, fragmented beyond reasonable use. Essential information is hidden in long scrolls of incomprehensible numbers, cluttered with irrelevant data. And up until now, only true data geeks and tech wizards have been able to consolidate everything into a legible, organized control panel.

This disorganization creates inefficiencies and slows responsiveness to client needs. It leaves frustrated team members wondering if their marketing efforts are attracting enough of the right clients, or whether they’re making the most of their billable hour.

Managing a law firm is hard enough. Understanding the health of your firm shouldn’t be.

Welcome to Lawamtics Custom Dashboards.

Why Custom Dashboards?

Every facet of your law firm is unique – the clients your firm attracts, the investments you make in marketing channels, your intake process, even the services you offer. Your firm’s data is no different.

Each unique aspect of your firm creates a diverse set of data that can make it hard to understand how your business is actually performing. Tracking down where to find each datapoint – let alone gaining understanding of what that data means for your business – can be a tedious hassle. The result? You find yourself quagmired in a slew of browser tabs, staring at charts that tell you a lot without really telling you anything, making it a challenge to plan your next move or plug any efficiency gaps.

These inefficiencies are the bane of a lawyer’s existence. In Thomson Reuters’ 2024 Report on the State of the US Legal Market, in-house counsels cited “efficient processes” as their #1 cost-cutting strategy. You may not be an in-house counsel, but your inefficiencies can eat into your billable hours or affect your fixed-fee and contingency arrangements, a shared challenge for all legal professionals.

With Custom Dashboards, you can say goodbye to the tyranny of tedious disorganization. As your law firm’s new homepage, Custom Dashboards delivers your most critical performance metrics right to your fingertips.

Data that matters most, at a glance

Imagine having immediate access to the information that drives your success all in one central location. Imagine having one hub to evaluate your client acquisition metrics, marketing channel performance, and intake process efficiency.

Custom Dashboards keep all these metrics – and your team – on the same page.

Our new feature consolidates your firm’s critical business metrics into one easy-to-use interface. Think of it like a snapshot of your firm’s vital organs. With these dashboards, you can:

  • View your e-signature completion stats
  • See your upcoming critical tasks
  • Track staff performance and productivity
  • Prepare for upcoming appointments
  • Monitor progress towards your goals

Custom Dashboards are more than a convenience. They provide a holistic view of your firm’s performance, empowering you to understand the story your data tells and navigate your law firm’s growth plan with clarity.

Custom dashboards overview 1

Performance visualization that suits you

So, how exactly is all this information presented?

Your Custom Dashboards can be built with a host of insight panels to deliver the information that’s valuable to you. These panels include:

  • Text – Add simple text to your dashboard, whether it’s an inspirational quote or team memo
  • Data – Pull data directly from your CRM, including tasks, appointments, custom report insights, matter metrics, and more
  • Groups – Link multiple panels together to create clusters of insight into your business
  • Headers – Label and name your sections and groups to keep yourself organized

After you’ve built and grouped your panels, you can adjust their appearance to provide the best at-a-glance visuals for you. Depending on your preferences, you can set up your dashboard visualizations as:

  • Values
  • Pie charts
  • Bar charts
  • Gauges

(Pssst – think we’re missing something? Don’t be afraid to drop us a line. Your idea may just be in the next batch of updates!)

Custom dashboards overview 2

Complete dashboard control for all

The struggle against data disarray is a collective challenge. That’s why your Custom Dashboards are displayed for every user throughout your law firm.

Foster transparency and accountability across your organization with real-time data right on the homepage of your firm’s CRM. Every team member can access essential metrics without having to dig through different systems. This central hub is how your attorneys will track the progress of their ongoing matters, where paralegals will monitor e-signature requests, and how intake specialists keep your pipeline moving.

By default, your firm’s Admin users will have access to view, create, and edit Custom Dashboards. If you want to change who can alter your firm’s dashboards, permissions can be edited in the Manage Roles section of your firm’s settings.

Custom dashboards overview 3

Get started with Custom Dashboards

Lawmatics is leading the charge against disorganization, inflexibility, and inefficiency in law firm operations. We’re incredibly excited that this latest feature offers an unparalleled level of control over your firm’s data. From tasks to appointments, Custom Dashboards transform disparate data points into actionable insights.

If you’re a Lawmatics user with the Team plan or above, the power to revolutionize your law firm’s data management is already here. Log in today to set up your Custom Dashboards.

If you’re not using Lawmatics yet, you’ll want to get a complete demo to see all of our features in action, including Custom Dashboards. You’ll see just why Lawmatics is the #1 legal CRM, client intake, and marketing automation platform.

Devon Roth

Devon Roth

Devon is Product Manager at Lawmatics, a corgi fanatic, and a born and raised Seattleite turned SoCal lover. She works with all departments at Lawmatics to ensure that our customers have the best experience using a platform that never stops improving.
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