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Spend more time on what your solo law firm does best, while Lawmatics handles the rest

As a solo law firm, you need all the help you can get. Lawmatics legal CRM is designed to grow your business for you, so you can get back to what you do best— practicing law. With Lawmatics legal client intake software, you can automate your marketing, accelerate your client intake process, facilitate an exceptional client experience, and track business-critical metrics to identify which of your marketing efforts are paying off. Get back to being a lawyer— and let Lawmatics help you attract new prospects and boost your revenue with ease.
workflow automation for law firms

Save big, improve the client experience and nurture growth

Running a firm requires more than just practicing law. It requires everything from maintaining an office to managing schedules and appointments to finding and retaining clients for your firm. It’s nearly impossible to stay on top of everything efficiently on your own.

Instead of letting your law firm run you, run your law firm with Lawmatics. Save time, resources, and precious energy, so that you can focus on your long-term goals and the most important part of your practice — your clients.
Automate redundant data entry and other busy-work with the help of features like legal document automation, legal file request automation, and marketing automation for law firms
Save time that you would have otherwise spent typing out lengthy emails, client back and forths trying schedule meetings, or tracking down important documents
Delight your existing and former clients while Lawmatics attracts new ones— without you ever having to lift a finger
Track your goals, productivity, and key analytics in one centralized location that’s easy to manage & understand
Grow your practice faster, better and smarter by making data-driven decisions every step of the way
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SolO Lawyer Client Intake Software

Never miss an opportunity at your solo practitioner firm

The moment a lead reaches out to your practice, the client journey begins. First impressions count, so it's never too early to start delighting your clients. Create an exceptional client experience from the moment they reach out to your firm with Lawmatics law firm client intake software.
Build a custom streamlined legal client intake process for your practice
Automate client follow-ups and reduce client no-show's and late appointments
Enable clients to easily self-schedule thanks to automated appointment scheduling
Collect signatures within seconds with our fast and easy client e-Signature tool
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Partner with Lawmatics in 3 easy steps
audience segmentation software
Law Firm Crm For Solo Attorneys

Manage all of your clients in one place

Delight your clients with a stellar experience that manages every step of the way from start to finish. From the minute leads fill out a law firm intake form to the final settlement, Lawmatics delivers a seamless legal process that will keep your clients talking about you to friends and colleagues.
Track, segment, and communicate with leads and clients in one unified space
Use audience segmentation software to group leads and clients into groups based on their current stage of the client journey
Send personalized email campaigns tailored uniquely to each client with drip email marketing
Keep a close eye on all client activity to boost efficiency and ensure nothing and no one falls between the cracks
Organize client records and sort your contacts using tailored with custom fields and criteria that works best for your firm
Give clients direct access to you with the SMS text messaging for law firms
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Marketing Automation For Solo Attorneys

Keep your client list growing

Lawmatics harnesses the power of workflow automation for law firms to keep a steady stream of high-quality leads coming in without putting your current clients on the back burner. Our email automation for law firms was created with a busy schedule in mind to keep clients happy without neglecting leads.
Build powerful email campaigns tailored to each stage of the legal client journey that attract the right lead at the right time
Utilize set-it-and-forget-it email drip campaigns to stay connected to potential clients
Segment your client base with audience segmentation to create personalized messaging instead of relying on a one-size-fits-all marketing approach
Implement dynamic email workflows to move clients through their journey effortlessly and efficiently
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legal client intake form builder
law firm data analytics
Reporting And Insights Built For Solo firms

Go from solo to small firm with the right data

Some law firm CRM platforms make law firm performance management overly-complicated. With Lawmatics you can easily measure and evaluate the most important parts of your law firm in an easy-to-read format. Speed up your processes ten-fold and make the right improvements where they're needed thanks to law firm reporting software.
Monitor your marketing efforts to understand what’s working and what’s not
Track your daily activities and personal productivity to see where you have room for improvements to reach your long term goals
Use data analytics for law firms to set clear objectives and timelines that make accomplishing your targets more attainable
Tailor your data reports to suit the needs of your practice based on whatever criteria you want
Make data-driven decisions and set law firms goals that focus on where the most potential for revenue is
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Document Automation For Solo Law Firms

Spend less time on administrative tasks and more time on what matters most—your clients

When a significant portion of your day is spent on time-draining administrative tasks, at some point your clients get neglected. Stop making the impossible choice between catching up with running your business and getting your clients the best results for their case. Running your own practice and serving your clients as best as you can is possible with the help of Lawmatics. Boost productivity with document automation.
Never lose track of a lead again and follow up seamlessly with attorney intake software
Give clients direct access to you through self-scheduling software and text messaging for law firms
Pinpoint your firm's strengths and weaknesses and make changes where they count most thanks to law firm data analytics
Boost revenue and grow your practice with powerful tools like marketing automation for law firms
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Document Assembly Automation

Ready to grow your law firm with Lawmatics?

Schedule a demo of legal's #1 growth platform.
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