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Scale your IP law firm and maintain a strong reputation

From managing correspondence to maintaining accurate records, an IP law practice brings with it a heavy administrative workload. Lawmatics Legal CRM for IP law firms saves you time by organizing and automating your day-to-day tasks so you can focus on delivering an attentive client experience.
IP Law Legal Software

The most efficient IP lawyers rely on Lawmatics

See why Lawmatics is the preferred solution amongst IP lawyers for managing workloads and meeting deadlines.


Onboard your clients the smart way

Gathering information and documents from clients can be a tall order with limited resources and personnel. With Lawmatics, you can leave the repetitive work to legal crm software and save yourself hours of busy work.
Automate your administrative work
Easily capture new client information and documents using Custom Forms that feature questions unique to your particular firm. All client information, records, conversations, and critical data are centralized on one single platform, making it easy to stay organized. As prospects and clients move through your pipeline, automations keep your staff on task and in sync with critical follow-up opportunities, tasks, and deadlines unique to each case.
Stay on top of important tasks and dates
Lawmatics pipeline management gives you a complete overview of all of your IP law prospects at once along with their status in your sales funnel. From consultations, to tasks, to important documents, you have total visibility into each client’s journey ensuring no one slips through the cracks. Easily organize and segment your contacts so you can find who you need to when you need to.
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Lawyer and client shaking hands

IP Law Marketing Automation

Keep your clients informed every step of the journey

There’s nothing a client appreciates more than transparency and prompt updates on developments in their case— Lawmatics does that for you.
Make every client feel like they’re your only client
Lawmatics facilitates an attentive client experience from first interaction onward. Automated email and/or SMS notifications greet your leads with a personalized message the minute they make contact with your firm, and continue to engage your clients so you stay top of mind. Once onboarded, clients receive automated email & SMS communications to stay well informed at each new stage of their case so you can focus on other matters rather than tedious follow-up.
Target clients on their specific IP law issue
Lawmatics helps you target the right prospects at the right time. Segment your audience based on different criteria, such as industry, company size, and location, and create targeted marketing campaigns that resonate with their prospects. Doing so will allow you to send out fine-tuned marketing that appeals directly to their case type from patents to copyrights to trademarks, increasing the chances of converting them into clients.
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IP Law Reporting Software

Identify and capitalize on your top lead sources

There’s no room for guesswork when it comes to growing your law firm. Your law firm’s resources are finite, so focus your marketing efforts and capital on the most revenue-driving sources.
See where your best leads are coming from
Lawmatics legal crm streamlines your marketing performance tracking. Custom reports and dashboards offer clarity on your top lead sources and conversion rates, enabling you to prioritize the most promising channels. You'll discover the types of IP law cases you're attracting, revenue generated, and lead-to-client conversion. By relying on data, you can make strategic decisions that drive more business growth.
Meet your growth objectives
With Lawmatics, legal data analytics become not only useful but also exciting. Set KPIs for your law firm and track your progress towards your goals. You can analyze your performance based on data such as time spent per case or completed disclosures per team member, allowing you to identify areas for improvement and optimize your workflows accordingly. Enhance your firm's performance and drive business growth while staying ahead of the competition.
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law firm data analytics
Appointment Booking Calendar


Make more room for billable work in your schedule

Administrative work isn’t just tedious— it’s unbillable. Put your day-to-day processes like data entry and marketing on autopilot, and get back to billable work.
Assemble documents in minutes, not hours
From licensing agreements to non-disclosure agreements there are plenty of documents for an IP lawyer to assemble. Generating documents the manual way isn’t just time-consuming, but it can be full of errors. Lawmatics legal document automation takes whatever data you need from your matters and contacts and plugs it directly into your PDF and document templates thanks to seamless integrations with third-party software like MS Office, delivering error-free documents in a matter of seconds.
Eliminate back and forths
Arranging meetings with clients can be a time-consuming process that involves multiple emails and phone calls. With automated appointment scheduling in Lawmatics, you can save time and streamline the scheduling process. Grants your clients direct access to your calendar, enabling them to schedule appointments at their convenience. Once booked, Lawmatics' automated reminder system ensures that your clients are notified of upcoming meetings, significantly reducing the likelihood of no-shows.
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Take your IP law firm to the next level

Sign up for a product demo today to see why IP attorneys choose Lawmatics!

I used maybe five different platforms before in the intake process and now we're essentially using one.”

Ashley Arganda, Sullivan Law & Associates

Ready to learn more about growing your firm with Lawmatics?

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