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Make any Lawmatics appointment a Zoom Meeting.
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Zoom integration overview

When scheduling appointments in Lawmatics, whether for personal use or on behalf of another user, the option to set up a Zoom meeting is available. This action generates the Zoom meeting within the host's Zoom account and automatically incorporates the Zoom link into the Lawmatics appointment entry.

Here’s what you get with this Lawmatics integration:
  • One Zoom account sync per Lawmatics user
  • Option to default appointments to Zoom Meetings
  • Create any appointment booking as a Zoom Meeting

Zoom integrates with these Lawmatics features


Integration features

Sync each users’ Zoom account

While signed into Lawmatics, any user can visit the integrations page to connect their own Zoom account. When an appointment is booked as a Zoom Meeting, the integration will create the Zoom Meeting in the host’s Zoom account respectively.

Create Lawmatics appointments as Zoom meetings

Easily select the option to create an appointment as a Zoom Meeting while booking, or opt to default all appointments to Zoom Meetings. The Zoom link will then appear as the location of your appointment and can be merged into confirmation and reminder emails.


Built by


Calendaring & Scheduling


Lawmatics subscription

Works with all Lawmatics plans
Lawmatics account permissions

No permissions required
Zoom account permissions

No permissions required
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