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Sync customers and invoices from Lawmatics to QuickBooks
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QuickBooks integration overview

Automatically sync your invoice data directly from Lawmatics to QuickBooks, ensuring that your accounting stays up to date across the board.

Here’s what you get with this Lawmatics integration:
  • Map accounts, payment types, and payment terms from Lawmatics to QuickBooks
  • Map activity and expense types
  • Sync Lawmatics invoices of your choosing to QuickBooks
  • Sync past Lawmatics invoices to QuickBooks

QuickBooks integrates with these Lawmatics features


Integration features

Custom account mapping

When setting up the Lawmatics and QuickBooks integration, be sure to sync your accounts, payment terms & methods, and activity/expense types. This vital step guarantees the smooth transfer of your invoice data from Lawmatics to QuickBooks.

Sync customers and invoices

When an invoice is sent via Lawmatics, use this integration to sync that invoice to QuickBooks with the click of a button. This sync will generate both the customer and the invoice in QuickBooks, along with any other details you have mapped. You also have the option to sync all past invoices to QuickBooks from Lawmatics.


Built by




Lawmatics subscription

Works with all Lawmatics plans
Lawmatics account permissions

No permissions required
QuickBooks account permissions

No permissions required
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