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OneDrive Integration in Lawmatics

OneDrive integration overview

Keep critical folders and files up to date in both Lawmatics and OneDrive. Upon activation of this integration, each of your Lawmatics contacts, matters, and companies will appear in your OneDrive account as new folders. With our two way sync functionality, any file that is uploaded to either OneDrive or Lawmatics will automatically sync to both accounts.

Here’s what you get with this Lawmatics integration:
  • Sync contacts, companies, and matters files from Lawmatics into OneDrive
  • Continuous 2-way sync between Lawmatics and OneDrive files
  • Users have the option to unsync a file from OneDrive

OneDrive integrates with these Lawmatics features

File management

Integration features

Folders created in OneDrive

A new folder will be created in your OneDrive account for your Lawmatics matters/contacts. Additionally, any custom folders that you have created within a particular matter in Lawmatics will also be created within that root folder.

Automatic sync

When files are saved in Lawmatics they will automatically be synced into the proper folder in OneDrive. With the two-way sync capabilities of this integration, any files uploaded into OneDrive will also automatically be saved in the appropriate Lawmatics matter as well.


Built by


File Sync


Lawmatics subscription

Works with all Lawmatics plans
Lawmatics account permissions

No permissions required
OneDrive account permissions

No permissions required
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