Delight in real time with dynamic email workflows

Set up powerful, automated workflows using a simple, visual interface to convert leads into clients, delight your existing clients and win repeat business.
Legal CRM Automation
automated email workflows for law firms
Marketing Automation

Use data to trigger what happens next

With Lawmatics’ dynamic email workflows, you can use any data from your CRM database to trigger the next marketing steps.

A lead visits your site? Send a message to sales to follow-up. A prospect visits a specific blog post? Kick off a follow-up campaign that explains how you can help!
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Lawmatics makes it super easy to create and send beautifully branded emails that show off our services and re-engages clients.“

— Gabriella G., Facebook Group Member
Trigger Automations

Error-proof your messaging

Create a sequence of email messages that are sent automatically based on pre-set criteria and timed triggers. When a client books an appointment or signs a fee agreement, the right message is automatically sent, at the right time, without you having to lift a finger or worry about what went out.
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automated email workflows for law firms
automated email workflows for law firms
Save time

Automate the small, yet time-consuming tasks

Use a blueprint of actions to eliminate tasks, like preparing email lists, sending generic messages, or manually scheduling events, leaving you with more time to work on billable matters for your clients.
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The attention your clients deserve, the flexibility your firm needs

Create engaging targeted workflows and handle each contact in your CRM database with care. Whether you're developing simple follow-up campaigns or complex, multi-stage journeys with multiple paths, our visual drag and drop editor makes it easy to build and see workflows in real-time.
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automated email workflows for law firms
automated email workflows for law firms

Easily measure and analyze your email results

When you know what your campaign data is telling you, you can make smart, data-driven decisions that improve your performance and accelerate the growth of your business. Get the most out of your Lawmatics’ reports by making adjustments where needed.
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