Client Portal Software for Law Firms

The secure and dependable way to interact with clients.

Introducing a simple, secure, and efficient way for every attorney to communicate with their clients and keep them in the know on the status of their case.
Client Portal Example
Save time

Lawmatics Client Portal eliminates email and phone tag

The Lawmatics client portal eliminates the dreaded email/phone tag and enables instant collaboration with clients when needed. It’s as simple as logging into the secure portal where they can access shared documents, calendar events, notes, tasks, messages, and more.
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Direct access

Reduce waiting time by giving your clients direct access to your firm

No more waiting game when prospects and clients have questions. Our client portal software for lawyers allows direct access through the client portals meaning you can provide immediate client service without costly bottlenecks.
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Client Portal Example
File Requests in Form Templates

Secure file sharing is easier than ever

Finding and sharing important documents has never been easier. Instead of digging through email attachments to find the right file, clients can easily access the secure client portal to find and/or share files right away — with just a few clicks.
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Communicate better

Reduce No-Shows

Every lawyer knows that one of the biggest causes for legal client no-shows is poor client communication. Instead, clients can now access their own personalized portal and view important calendar events all in one place, significantly reducing the risk of no-shows.
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Appointment Booking
client e-signature tool

Stay on the ball with E-Signature deadline expiration

Get the important signatures you need right away with e-signature software. Not only can prospects and clients sign documents right from the client portal, but you can put deadlines on signature requests to have more control over your agreements.
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