Personal injury firm streamlines new client pipeline with Lawmatics

Elkhart, Indiana flyover picture
Ronald Foster headshot
Ronald Foster
Sales and Marketing Director,
Wilson and Kinsman, LLC
The results

client acquisition

time saved


hours saved per week
increase in revenue YoY forecasted
increase in consultations
increase in lead conversions
increase in marketing spend
new staff hired
Firm facts
Practice Area
Personal Injury
Business Size
19 Staff
Elkhart and South Bend, Indiana
Switched From
Meet Ronald Foster
Ronald Foster brings over 30 years of extensive sales and marketing experience from the manufacturing sector to his role as the sales and marketing director at Wilson & Kinsman, LLC. Having joined the firm in September of 2023, Ron’s job is to drive growth and expansion for the firm. He’s the firm’s Lawmatics user-in-chief, managing a five-member team that processes incoming case leads. In this role, he oversees teams of callers and consultants who triage potential clients, identifying qualified leads who the firm is best equipped to serve.

Everything [in our decision making] is automate, delegate or eliminate. Lawmatics checks the box for automation every single time.”

— Ronald Foster

The mission

Wilson & Kinsman embodies a values-driven approach to legal practice, rooted in a steadfast mission of service. To deliver results for their clients, they needed a sophisticated foundation of operations for the practice — a CRM that would keep the team running like a well-oiled machine. As a personal injury firm first and foremost, Wilson & Kinsman also required a system that would facilitate rapid, seamless engagement with leads. And that’s easier said than done in high-volume practice areas where potential clients are continuously shopping for the best help available.


Clunky pipeline management

Right from the start, Wilson & Kinsman knew that relying solely on manual processes for organization and reaching out to clients just wouldn't cut it. They saw how it led to delays, wasted time, and even lost chances with potential clients who might have turned to other firms. As their clientele grew more diverse and the number of leads increased, maintaining an organized pipeline would be crucial for maximizing revenue and client conversion rates.

Disconnected team coordination

Disparate systems created disorganized teams. Without a central platform for tasks and progress tracking, the firm would lack visibility into team performance and workload distribution. Ron’s team could risk potential clients slipping through the cracks between distinct touchpoints.

Client communication gap

In personal injury law, response time is everything. Failing to follow up could result in missed opportunities, hurting the firm’s bottom line. Wilson & Kinsman needed a consistently rapid response time to potential new clients — without neglecting communication with current and even former clients.

We're running a smarter practice because we don't have to go back and double check our work every time.”

— Ronald Foster

Benefit highlights

Ease of lead management

Through Lawmatics, the firm effortlessly captures, tracks, and organizes leads with precision – without sucking up staff time. With clients seamlessly progressing through automated pipelines, Lawmatics frees up Ron’s team to focus on client and case work. “I've been able to get my staff to move away from looking at each funnel every day and focus on the tasks at hand,” Ron reports.

Dynamic team coordination

Wilson & Kinsman’s intake team uses tasks to juggle all their action items, from setting up appointments to reviewing cases. Flexible kanban and list views make it easy for Ron to allocate tasks, monitor progress, and make sure everyone’s on track. “I can go in and I can see who has tasks that are becoming close, or if they've gone overboard and I can redirect some other people to help out.”

Enhanced client communication

Lawmatics is a cornerstone of Wilson & Kinsman’s client experience program. When new leads come in, they're greeted with friendly emails and informative videos. With automated reminders and personalized messages, clients stay connected and informed throughout their case journey. Ron proudly reports, “We're doing things that larger firms that I've worked with in LA and San Francisco and Chicago don't even dream of doing.”

New business from old clients

With Lawmatics, Wilson & Kinsman can expand outreach to past clients while still handling new cases smoothly. Take their criminal defense clients, for example. The firm uses tasks to monitor and set reminders for when a past client becomes eligible to have their record cleared. “So in eight years, I get a notification to give them a call, get them back in the office, and let's get that charge expunged from the record.”

Adaptable intake processes

Wilson & Kinsman appreciate that every client and case is different. That's why they've created flexible call scripts as custom forms to tailor their approach to each individual situation. Ron explains, “By answering this-or-that questions, yes-or-no questions, it will change the script as they go.” He also added that these scripts make training new staff a breeze because they don’t have to memorize every detail for every possible scenario.

Data-informed marketing strategy

To understand what marketing efforts pack the most punch, Ron identifies the source of every lead that comes through the pipeline. He also measures the effectiveness of each campaign and source in order to eliminate waste and maximize profit. “If I can put in the amount of money I spent on the lead, and Lawmatics will link it to a hire, then I can show my ROI.”

Power features


Ron has implemented distinct pipelines within Lawmatics for each practice area. It’s been like a turbo boost, automating repetitive tasks and initiating new actions seamlessly. Thanks to robust Automations, the firm maintains continuous engagement with potential clients, even those who may have initially gone silent. “We move them into a 10 day campaign where we're calling them and emailing them and texting them to make sure that we stay in the front of their minds.”
Legal CRM


Tasks aren't just for keeping the team organized. They’re also a secret weapon in being hyper responsive to client needs without missing a beat. For example, when a client was waiting for their tax refund to pay for a flat fee service, Ron created “a task to call them at an agreed upon time to make sure that their money came in, and then to get them back in so that they can get services retained.”

Conflict checking

Given the high volume of leads, Ron relies on automated conflict checking through Lawmatics to make case decisions quickly. As an all-in-one CRM for intake, contact management, and conflict checking, Lawmatics minimizes the chance of overlooking connections that might slip through the cracks with separate platforms. “[It’s] saved us quite a bit of time and should help us to where we don't have to withdraw from cases in the future” because of either time or ethical constraints.
Conflict Checking

[Lawmatics] helps me identify which leads are working and which aren't.”

— Ronald Foster

Future business goals

Wilson & Kinsman remains steadfast in their commitment to serving the community of Elkhart and beyond. With an efficient and steady stream of new clients driving profitability, the firm is poised for growth and expansion. In the near future, Wilson & Kinsman aims to:

  • Expand hiring of attorneys and paralegals
  • Complete move into new officer in South Bend, Indiana
  • Identify new office location in Chicagoland area

We've got all sorts of reports and dashboards that show us the temperature of the business at any time.”

— Ronald Foster