California business law firm saves 20 hours per week with Lawmatics

San Diego picture
Taylor Darcy headshot
Taylor Darcy
Attorney, Founder, CEO
Think Legal, P.C.
The results
hours saved per week
increase in revenue
increase in client retainment rate
Firm facts
Practice Area
Business Size
3 Staff
San Diego, CA
Switched From
Clio Grow
Meet Taylor Darcy
After seeing his parents struggle with their own small business, Taylor Darcy understood that running a successful business is a constant process of responding to new challenges and asking how things can be done better. That’s why Taylor has always been focused on how new technology can build his firm from the ground up.

As both an MBA and a JD, Taylor’s always been in tune with both the legal and management skills that it takes to run a firm. With no shortage of determination, he is eager to bring empathetic legal services to businesses looking for the keys to thrive.

Lawmatics lets me do what much bigger firms spend a whole lot more money doing - and I can do it much faster and much better.”

Taylor Darcy

Attorney, Founder, CEO, Think Legal, P.C.

The mission

Taylor’s passion for helping business owners and entrepreneurs stems from watching his parents struggle to navigate their own small business. In his words, “They didn’t know what they didn’t know.” This insight drove him to help other business owners avoid the same foundational pitfalls.

The advice Taylor gives his clients is the same advice he’s followed in building his firm: take a preemptive and proactive approach. Create systems to run the day-to-day operations in order to minimize the burden on the individuals working so hard every day. “If you are so tied to a business that it can only exist because you exist, then you've got nothing.” Having the right automated processes in place would open the door for him to step away from administration and focus on providing top-notch legal services.

Taylor found his answer in Lawmatics, his all-in-one solution for optimizing the processes that he had envisioned for his business. With Lawmatics automations running firm operations with a personalized touch, Taylor has been able to spend time with his family, and focus on his passion for content marketing.


Marketing software limitations

Priding himself on being tech-savvy, Taylor sought a software that could streamline the administrative work demanded of him. He felt restricted by the limitations of most marketing software — even those designed for legal professionals. He found himself particularly constrained by a lack of key automation features and inconvenient custom form builders.

Lack of visibility into performance

Acknowledging that one cannot grow without performance insights, Taylor yearned for a better way to track the follow-up process to determine what caused some leads to become clients and not others. He wanted reporting analytics to give him the data he needed to fine-tune his marketing approach.

Lack of time

Before Lawmatics, Taylor was prone to stress. With all his focus on his practice, time limitations prevented him from doing the things he wanted to do, like create content for his YouTube channel and podcast. He also found himself having to sacrifice more time with his family in order to follow up with emails over the weekend.

If you can think it, Lawmatics can do it. I've yet to find a restriction that keeps me from doing what I really want to do.”

Taylor Darcy

Attorney, Founder, CEO, Think Legal, P.C.

Benefit highlights

Instant and consistent follow up

After posting a cautionary video about red flags when hiring an attorney on his YouTube channel, Taylor identified lack of attorney follow-up to be the chief complaint from legal consumers in the comments. Putting this information to use, he developed a communication policy in which he follows-up three or more times on multiple channels. Implementing this into Lawmatics drove his client retention rate up to 35% per year. “I've set up certain emails to apply some pressure and remind people that I exist.” Automations make it possible to instantly and consistently follow up with new leads post-inquiry and clients post-consultation to stay top of mind."

Streamlined client intake

In the absence of Lawamtics, follow-up emails, client intake forms, and consultation requests all had to be delivered to clients on a one-off basis after initial inquiry. Now, the instant a prospective client submits an inquiry form on the website, their information is pushed directly into Lawmatics and kickstarts the intake automation process. Conditional formatting on intake forms makes the data collection process even more streamlined in that you can tailor the questions to the type of matter. “It takes me two to three minutes to review [a new inquiry], and depending on the matter, I can have an appointment booked the next day — boom, done.”

Insights Into client behavior

One of Taylor’s greatest frustrations was trying to decipher what led certain prospective clients to follow through and others to never be heard from again. With total control over his data using Reporting & Insights in Lawmatics, he was able to better monitor which of his marketing tactics were working best and how close he was to reaching his growth objectives. “The tracking makes it easy to see where leads are coming from. For instance, I've seen a definite uptick in Google My Business leads and other external marketing efforts, which wouldn’t be possible without Lawmatics.”

Reduced stress levels

Before Lawmatics, Taylor had less time to do the things that he was most passionate about due to the significant time lost returning calls, sending out emails, and various other manual processes that he has since automated. Thanks to Lawmatics, not only was he able to save more than 20 hours a week, but he has peace of mind knowing his business is operating at peak efficiency. “I'm a lot less stressed now and I have a lot more time to do the things that I want to do than I did when I was first starting."

5-star reviews

Once a matter is resolved, Taylor reaches out to former clients by sending out an automated follow-up survey to fortify his Google star rating. “If a client rates me highly, it will prompt them to leave me a Google review — that way I'm only getting the best reviews possible.” More importantly, Taylor values the feedback he receives from clients in order to improve their overall experience. Automated end-of-representation surveys double as a means to solicit feedback and course correct wherever necessary.

An integrated all in one solution

Toggling between multiple programs for your marketing and client intake can compromise your time and data integrity. “ I wanted something all-in-one so that my marketing could exist along with my client intake.” Lawmatics comprises the bulk of Taylor’s tech stack, eliminating duplicate data entry while solving many operational challenges unique to legal. “I don't think I'd be nearly as successful without Lawmatics. It's been a key driver of growth in my business as part of my tech stack.”

Power features

Custom forms

Whereas former marketing automation solutions were limited in their intake form functionality, Lawmatics offered Taylor the flexibility he needed to capture all client information necessary on one singular form using custom fields and conditional formatting. In lieu of building unique forms for each practice area or matter type, his intake form reveals follow-up questions based on a lead’s field entries, offering a smooth journey to the prospect and minimal follow-up for the firm. “I love the form customization options in Lawmatics. The conditional formatting is also important to make intake that much more streamlined, meaning one less barrier for people to complete in order to get to me.”
Custom Forms
Legal CRM Automation

Personalized automations

A staunch believer in relationship building, Taylor toiled over client follow-up to ensure that everyone received equal, personalized attention. With the help of automated emails and SMS messages in Lawmatics, he can facilitate frequent, timely communication and is more responsive than ever — no manual messaging necessary. Clients are thrilled with his responsiveness and communication style. “Some people like to talk, some people like to text, and some people prefer email. Lawmatics allows me to reach them in the way that works for them.”

Reporting & insights

You can’t run a business without data. And unfortunately, across the spectrum of legal technologies, reporting is often an afterthought. From day one, Taylor sought granularity in his firm’s analytics to understand the source of his clients, the efficiency of his intake process, and the gaps therein. By utilizing Lawmatics’ native reporting features, he was able to measure a 25%-50% increase in new clients. Performance tracking has given him the insights by which to take reactionary measures to further the growth of his business while satisfying more clients along the way.
Law Firm Reporting and Metrics

Without Lawmatics, my law firm would be in a state of dishevel.”

Taylor Darcy

Attorney, Founder, CEO, Think Legal, P.C.

Future business goals

For Taylor, perfection is a pursuit, not a destination. Consequently, he perpetually strives to improve his business operations with the help of Lawmatics, seeking to:

  • Increase client retention rate
  • Increase revenue to 1 million dollars
  • Improve processes and systems to increase client satisfaction

I don't think I'd be nearly as successful without Lawmatics."

Taylor Darcy

Attorney, Founder, CEO, Think Legal, P.C.
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