How Nice Law Firm increased onboarding by 70%

With Lawmatics automation tools and integrated partner solutions, Nice Law Firm accelerated the client onboarding process by 70% and cut time spent on manual processes in half.
Christopher Gaddy
Law Firm Administrator for the Nice Law Firm
Christopher Gaddy headshot
Multi-discipline practice with five locations throughout Indiana
Accelerated the client onboarding process by 70% and reduced manual process hours by 50%
“Can you imagine what I would do if I could do all I can?”

– Sun Tzu, The Art of War

Uniquely suited for success

Law Firm Administrator Christopher Gaddy may be one of the most vigilant users and advocates of the Lawmatics platform. His unparalleled background and experience working with other automation solutions before adopting the platform unlocked potential for efficiency gains, which we want to help our clients achieve. As the son of two lawyers, Christopher grew up working in their law firm. Then earned an MBA in Computer Engineering from Purdue University before returning to the business of delivering legal services. 

It only takes a few minutes when you meet Christopher to appreciate his unique perspective on how to manage, scale, and grow a law practice by implementing systems. An early adopter and vocal client, he can analyze, implement, and push a solution to its limit. In turn, a collaborative relationship helps both the software provider and the law firm grow together as partners instead of the traditional vendor, customer relationship. By sharing Christopher's remarkable results by implementing Lawmatics, we aim to provide you with examples to adapt to your practice. 


Start with strategy 

On the hunt for a solution that would support the vision for where he wanted to take the law firm, Christopher attended ABA TECHSHOW in 2019. A previous client of the Rainmaker’s Lead Conversion system, an Infusionsoft (now Keep) based program, he was intimately familiar with the benefits of automated intake and lead follow up system delivered and the capabilities that non-legal CRM and automation platforms provided. 

When he met the Lawmatics team, he spoke directly to the developers about the platform's capabilities, features, and configuration options. Christopher's MBA in Computer Engineering and intimate knowledge of a law firm's inner workings elevated the conversation to a thrilling discussion about Lawmatics' feature roadmap and expansion plans. 

“Lawmatics is the best legal technology software I have seen in ten years. When I evaluate software, I question whether our lives would be easier if a program could execute or manage a specific task. The team has gone a long way to make our wants and wishes a reality."

The Nice Law Firm's future was to build a machine that would support every area of the practice; Personal Injury, Legal Malpractice, Family Law, Estate Planning and Appeals. Each with their own unique needs, processes and agreements. Front office tasks, lead follow up, client retention, and matter management would be automated with both the client experience and elimination of manual process delays top of mind. Christopher selected Lawmatics and integrated Practice Management provider PracticePanther as the tech stack that would support the firm's future chapter of growth. 

Fast forward barely one year later, as a global pandemic forces law firms to operate remotely. Christopher’s vision for building systems and processes through automation could not have been better timed. The implementation of Lawmatics made the transition for The Nice Law Firm’s staff across five offices a nearly seamless experience. 


Limitless potential 

With a shared passion for designing systems and tracking the results of progress, Christopher and the Lawmatics team bonded immediately. He was continually seeking ways to expand the platform's use into areas of the business to eliminate manual processes, both pre and post-pandemic closures. 

"The value Lawmatics provides is the ability to use variables, triggers, and actions to design systems. We use it to the fullest extent possible and iterate from there.”  

The Nice Law Firm began by replacing the previous lead follow up and conversion system. Intake specialists enter a PNC’s information, which triggers an automated email and text message to the attorney, which prompts the associate to complete the bottom portion of our standard intake sheet, connected to a fee agreement. Thus eliminating the often endless back and forth thanks to Lawmatics "matter owner roles" feature. An attorney can execute the client call, send an invoice and agreement, all from their phone. Delighting Clients

Once engaged, clients receive automated text messages, status updates, and requests for information to keep their case moving. They can schedule appointments, sign documents, send photos and message the firm with questions with ease and convenience. 

“Lawmatics gives us enterprise tools at a small business price. We love having access to all of the automation and management features, and our clients love the experience too.” 


Efficiency gains

There is no denying that Christopher's experience and carefully crafted strategy for implementing Lawmatics has paid off for The Nice Law Firm. ROI continues to be recognized across the entire practice, from an increase in client conversion, speed to payment, and reduction in manual labor hours.

Speed to Retain – Accelerated by 70%
Thanks to the combination of forms, automated agreements, esignatures, and payment requests, new clients are onboarded in hours compared to days.
50% Reduction of Data Processing Hours
The seamless transfer of a new client’s data through automating case creation, transfer of files, and assignment of an attorney reduced labor hours by 50%.
4 Attorneys for 1 Paralegal
A model of machine efficiency, the integration of Lawmatics and PracticePanther, can support far more associates than a traditional practice.

Recommendations for best results

Christopher shared his candid advice for firms new to automation. To take the time to evaluate your current processes, tracking hours and steps involved in daily activities. Including the duplicate entry of date from one system to another or the extra step required to generate a manual invoice or wait to receive payment from a client. Then, to recognize where your time would best be spent.

“Lawmatics is a powerful automation platform, only DIY setup if you have the skillset. Invest in onboarding or a resource to help you build the machine, leverage it to the fullest extent you can and let it run.”

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