Data-informed marketing propels Houston bankruptcy firm to new heights

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Daniel Ciment headshot
Daniel Ciment
Ciment Law Group, PLLC

Real stories from real customers

The results

client acquisition

marketing ROI


Firm facts
Practice Area
Business Size
23 Staff
Katy, Texas
Multiple in Texas
Switched From
Meet Daniel Ciment
Daniel Ciment has spent his entire legal career working on issues of debt. After clerking for the Harris County Attorney’s office, working in their revenue division, and running his own collection agency, Daniel pivoted from collecting debts to resolving them. He started Ciment Law Firm in 2018 to help clients address debts, protect their rights throughout the bankruptcy process, and assist in rebuilding their credit. Ciment Law has since grown into a firm of more than 20 staff, with offices in every major market across Texas.

We are a multimillion dollar firm now and there's no doubt that Lawmatics has given us the tools that we need to make better educated decisions on our marketing spend.”

— Daniel Ciment

The mission

To scale Ciment Law sustainably, the firm needed to get organized with efficient processes that would enable staff to deliver the best client experience. Frustrated by generic software solutions that didn't meet the unique needs of law firms, the search for a tool that could inform a data-driven business strategy began. This quest led to the discovery of Lawmatics through a friend's recommendation. Recognizing its potential, Daniel and the team embraced this legal-specific CRM and intake platform, marking a pivotal decision in their journey towards improved organization and growth.


Response time

In a practice area with high stakes and clients with high anxiety about their futures, connecting with prospective clients immediately upon inquiry is vital. However, the firm’s tools before Lawmatics weren’t quite as agile or responsive. “The response time is critical. Typically when people are looking for an attorney or shopping for an attorney, they're doing it when they have time to do it.”

Cumbersome, generic software

Complicated software with a steep learning curve can be a productivity killer for practices like Ciment Law — especially when said software doesn't cater to legal professionals. “As we grew and hired more intake specialists, trying to train them on how to use Keap was a pain. We ended up hiring a company and spent 50k-60k trying to build everything out and then paying them monthly to maintain it.”

Limited business intel

Daniel had ambitious plans for his practice, and he knew the importance of marketing analytics to inform a roadmap toward those goals. Access to meaningful performance data was key to scaling Ciment Law without burning through overhead. “You can’t grow a business without marketing. And having the data and insight into what works and what doesn't work is vital. Otherwise you're just throwing money away.”

Lawmatics has really helped with our intake and our sales side, and we've grown tremendously over the last couple of years.”

— Daniel Ciment

Benefit highlights

Data-informed marketing

As Ciment Law expands into new markets, the firm can reach prospective clients in the most effective way possible. Daniel can easily track each marketing channel, and monitor important stats on his marketing investments. “Where Lawmatics really helped me with that is the cost per matter, cost per lead, cost per acquisition, and the ROI – I see that report every day.”

Increased lead volume

Targeted marketing efforts like email and direct mail marketing enable Daniel and his team to reach people who urgently need help right when they need it. Ciment Law now has an exponentially growing pool of leads and prospects to grow the firm’s future business. Daniel reports, “I've been able to pour gasoline on and really blow it up and just to get a significant number of leads.”

Streamlined intake pipeline

Because Lawmatics is both a CRM and intake tool, Ciment Law’s intake team has the bandwidth they need to process a high volume of leads without getting bogged down by multiple softwares with multiple logins . As intake manager Christian Maciel put it, “Lawmatics minimized the programs that we had to use. The way we communicate with clients, the efficiency – it’s just a lot better than anything that we’ve had before.”

Goal tracking

Ciment Law maintains a steady growth trajectory with the help of detailed reporting on measurable goals. Christian says that as an intake manager, “knowing these numbers helps me do my job because I'm able to see where we're at, not just on a monthly basis, but on a daily basis, Individually and as a company. I'm able to keep track of our progress and see where we need to improve.”

Increased lead conversion rates

By implementing client-centered processes, Ciment Law is able to capitalize on the steadily growing volume of leads. Follow-up and nurture campaigns take our conversion rates to a different level because [prospects] appreciate that we've been persistent and we keep contacting them to let them know that we are here,” expressed Christian.

Clear performance visualization

Daniel is a firm believer that knowing your numbers is key to strategic decision-making. Marketing data, lead status, goal tracking – every dashboard in Lawmatics makes managing the business a breeze. With at-a-glance visuals, Daniel “can easily see where we are at any point in time and I can break it down [by] day, week, month, quarter, year, or lifetime.”

Power features


Prospective clients typically do their research in limited pockets of time as their bandwidth allows. For that reason, a prompt response time is essential to securing new clients. With robust Automations in Lawmatics, Ciment Law is ready to engage a new prospect — no matter the time of day. All leads receive confirmation and resources within minutes of submitting their inquiry. “The time that a lead wants to talk to an attorney was right then and there,” says Daniel. “And so response time and being able to follow up immediately has been vital.”
Custom Automation Workflow
Reporting & Insights

Reporting & insights

“Having the data and the insight as far as what [marketing] works and what doesn’t work is vital,” says Daniel. He leverages custom reports to analyze vital statistics about the firm’s business, like cost per lead and cost per acquisition. The figures therein provide Daniel with a clear understanding of where to allocate resources for maximum impact. “Lawmatics has really helped us with that insight. I’ve been able to pour gasoline on and really blow it up and get a significant number of leads.”

Email nurture campaigns

Even if a prospect isn’t quite yet ready to become a client, Ciment Law utilizes drip nurture campaigns to stay in touch. Each of these campaigns is targeted to a particular pain point or objection a prospect has to retaining an attorney. “Keeping that open line of communication takes our conversion rates to a different level,” according to Christian. “They honestly appreciate that we’ve been persistent and keep contacting them to let them know we’re here.”
Custom Email Suite

We've been able to go from 100 clients to over 300 in a month with Lawmatics."

— Christian Maciel

Future business goals

After rapid growth in the five years since founding Ciment Law, Daniel’s primary goal for the firm is to keep growth firing on all cylinders. Specifically, he has his sights set on:

  • Continuing to grow the client base
  • Expanding the practice into other states

Other law firms don't follow up. Just to follow up itself shows that we do care, shows that we do want to help them, and that we are the right law firm.”

— Christian Maciel