
What Our Team is Thankful for This Year

Published on November 22, 2021
3 minute read
Sarah Bottorff
Written by Sarah Bottorff

As we head into the final weeks of 2021, it’s hard to believe we’re already here. While there have been considerable challenges throughout the last year, there has also been hope, joy, and unlocked inspiration. Thanksgiving is an opportunity to transform everyday things we may normally take for granted into blessings by practicing gratitude. Gratitude has the power to change what we see as “enough” into “abundance.” It can turn uncertainty into clarity and transform resistance into acceptance by simply reflecting on what we have rather than what we lack.

This Thanksgiving, we at Lawmatics want to share our genuine gratitude for you. Without you, we would not be where we are today, and we wholeheartedly thank you for your support throughout the year.

After working hard all year long to build what is known now as the leading all-in-one legal intake solution, marketing automation, and law firm CRM, our San Diego-based team gathered for a Thanksgiving celebration. The gathering was a wonderful occasion to come together to recognize and celebrate all of the amazing successes of 2021 and share our stories of gratitude with each other.


In between bites of turkey, stuffing, mac and cheese, and pies, the team exchanged what they felt grateful for this year. Here are some we’d like to share.

“This year, I'm thankful for my family and friends. This time of the year is my favorite because you get to spend time with some of your extended family that you don't get to see very much on a regular basis!”

- Ryan Brown, Customer Success

“Colorful sunsets, live music, scented candles, houseplants, cozy slippers, good beer :)”

- Anna Gasperlin, Customer Success

“I’m thankful that I get to travel home for the holidays this year to visit my family and play with my parents’ new puppy.”

- Kevin Looney, Marketing

“Being able to spend time with friends and family.”

- Connor Brown, Implementation

“This year, I’m thankful for Stitch (my Corgi puppy), that all my family and friends are healthy, joining Lawmatics, and the awesome people I’ve gotten to know because of it.”

- Devon Roth, Implementation

“I’m thankful to have been able to buy the lot where I’ll build my house ”

- Diogo Beda, Engineering

“I am thankful for every day I get to spend on this earth with so many amazing people, and especially my Lawmatics family! <3”

- Kaia Dobbs, Sales

“I’m thankful for live music being back in full swing!”

- Val Kirsh, Implementation

“My wife, for being a great support to me, so I can focus better! And that I have the great luck, to share healthy days working towards a common goal with such a bright and dedicated team of wonderful people!”

- Roey Chasman, Engineering

“This year, I’m thankful to have such a long list of things to be grateful for…my family, friends, coworkers, health, mind-blowing experiences, and dreams of what is yet to come.”

- Sarah Bottorff, Marketing

“I’m thankful for my family's health and for the love & support they provide me each day.”

- Bobby Orozco, Sales

“I am very grateful for the health of my family members and that we are vaccinated. We are grateful to be able to come together again and celebrate the little moments of life.”

- Fred Assuncao, Engineering

“I'm thankful for the opportunity to do meaningful work that I'm truly passionate about (helping firms across the country scale their practice); with a team of talented people I'm honored to work with—my fellow Lawmaticians.”

- Andy Campbell, Sales

“My wife, and her savvy. Our dog and her playfulness. The ability to enjoy our surroundings, to be able to play outside, to engage in and explore new creative endeavors, being able to help family and friends... To enjoy the little things. Oh yeah, and thankful for the kickass team I get to work with every day :)”

- Zsolt Mar, Product

“I'm thankful for this great job of mine and all the subsequent good quality life I have that come with it. I also am thankful for the great friendships I have, for whom I am and am becoming, and last but not least, I am thankful for the awesome girlfriend that I had the chance to meet this year.”

- Leandro Nascimento Camargo, Engineering

“I am thankful for the health and happiness of my family and friends. I am also extremely thankful for the fact that every day I get to spend time building a great company with great people. I am thankful I don’t consider what I do to be work.”

- Matt Spiegel, Executive

“I am thankful for the health and happiness of my family and friends, and for the amazing opportunity I have here at Lawmatics!”

- Clare Struzzi, Customer Success

On behalf of all of us at Lawmatics, may your upcoming celebration be one full of gratitude, joy, and an opportunity to embrace that which enriches our lives. Happy Thanksgiving!

Sarah Bottorff

Sarah Bottorff

Sarah is the SVP of Growth at Lawmatics, legal's #1 growth platform, providing law firms with client intake, CRM, and marketing automation to drive measurable results. She has over 18 years of marketing and sales experience and has a proven track record of building brands and driving growth at companies like MyCase, Smokeball, CJ Affiliate, Johnson & Johnson, and FastSpring.
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