Webinar Recap: 5 Ways Lawmatics Helped Me Build a Thriving Practice and Regain My Freedom

Published on October 8, 2024
2 minute read
Patrick Grieve
Written by Patrick Grieve

Every attorney starts with big dreams — freedom, flexibility, and success. But without the right systems, those ambitions can quickly get buried under paperwork, client management, and long hours. The grind can take over, leaving little room for growth or balance. It’s a familiar story for many, but it doesn’t have to stay that way.

In this webinar, lawyer and attorney coach Jordan Ostroff shows exactly how he flipped that script using Lawmatics, transforming his practice from grind to growth. From strategic data tracking to creating an intake process that attracts quality clients, he gives you the roadmap to level up your own firm.

Time Stamps of Key Takeaways

0:00 — Meet your speakers!

Your Lawmatics host is Director of Customer Success Johnny Bissell, who’s been at Lawmatics since almost the very beginning. He introduces himself along with Jordan, who consults law firms on operational best practices, in addition to running his own law practice.

9:58 — Metrics matter

Jordan kicks things off by talking about how numbers shape his law firm’s business strategy — and why it works. He offers advice on how to determine which key performance indicators (KPIs) are actually key for a firm like his. Johnny then demonstrates how to build custom reports in Lawmatics to visualize the most relevant data for a law firm.

22:13 — Better client experiences = more referrals

Next, Jordan shares some examples of different engagement strategies for generating referrals, from setting up recurring tasks to creating email campaigns delivered to segmented audiences. Johnny then demonstrates how you can create booking links specifically for coordinating meetings with referral partners in Lawmatics.

34:58 — Lead quality > lead quantity

An effective intake (or sales) pipeline isn’t just about the quantity of leads; it’s about the quality of leads. But how can quality leads — the people your firm is best equipped to help — find out about your firm and decide that you’re the best option? Here, Jordan explains his approach for nurturing these leads both before and after the consultation. Then, Johnny sets up automations to provide leads with information before and their appointment.

50:04 — Wow clients every time

Experience is king. The most competitive law firms provide clients with quick, easy, and personal experiences at every stage of the client journey. In this section, Johnny dives deep into automations that keep leads moving through the pipeline with personalized messages and regular updates.

56:25 — Happy clients stay clients

Client relationships don’t end when their matter has concluded. They might be back in the future with another matter, refer friends to your firm, or leave an online review about their experience. Newsletters are a great way to stay top of mind for former clients, as Jordan explains before Johnny builds an example newsletter in the Lawmatics email builder.

Webinar slide deck

Patrick Grieve

Patrick Grieve

Patrick is the Content Marketing Specialist at Lawmatics. When he’s not writing (or reading) voraciously, you can probably find him in the stands of the nearest baseball or soccer game.
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