
The Lawmatics Team Gives Thanks in 2022

Published on November 22, 2022
5 minute read
Patrick Grieve
Written by Patrick Grieve

2022 has been a whirlwind. Our team has taken massive strides this year, celebrating product milestones like the launches of Conflict Checking, Time and Billing, integrations with partners like Quickbooks and MyCase, and so much more. We’re thankful for every member of the Lawmatics community, from our internal team to our partners and customers. The spirit of collaboration and gratitude make it such a joy to work with our community every day to build the solutions our customers need.

As an expression of our gratitude for working with such an amazing team, we hosted a potluck to bring folks together and share food, companionship, and thanks.

Thanksgiving food being served

We also asked our team members what experience(s) they’re most thankful for in 2022. These were some of their responses:

“I am most thankful for the warmth and energy that I experience everyday when I walk into the office at Lawmatics.”

- Matt Spiegel

“I'm thankful for the ability to work in a hybrid/remote environment! My mental health, sleep schedule, and cat back home really appreciate it”

- Callie Burns

“I am thankful to be surrounded by such great coworkers and I am thankful and lucky enough to call them my very close friends!”

- Kennedy Wickham

“I am most thankful for having gotten to experience all of the fun-filled gatherings, trips, and adventures alongside all of my favorite people this year. Another amazing one in the books!”

- Sarah Bottorff

“I am grateful for a lot of different experiences, but I believe working two jobs this year really gave me perspective on how hard my mother and father worked to make sure we had the opportunities we had growing up. I worked two jobs for three months. My mom worked 2 - 3 jobs for at least 6 years from what I can remember, and my dad worked 2 jobs for 2-3 years as well. I am super grateful for the experience because it allowed me to understand how great my parents are! I am forever grateful for my parents’ sacrifices! I am thankful for the experience of working more than one job because it is humbling when you realize how hard working more than one job actually is.”

- Cary Robertson

“I'm thankful to be a part of a great company and to work alongside a fantastic group of individuals as we grind for every inch of our success on our way to the throne of legal tech.”

- Bobby Orozco

“I am so thankful for all the experiences I get to share with my family and friends both in San Diego and when I go back home to New York! I will always be grateful for getting to spend time with loved ones.”

- Clare Struzzi

“In the midst of a lot of changes happening in the world and within my own life, I'm grateful to have a supportive team that values and supports its employees when life is unpredictable and tough. I also really love that I have a team I can depend on, work well with, laugh with, and learn from. I genuinely feel so lucky to work with such an incredible team of people.”

- Joanna Alday

“Being rid of Bolsonaro. Was terribly, terribly disappointed in Brazil with him being elected in the first place, but with him being the first brazilian president to be purged out without a re-election through the same democratic means that elected him gives me a fresh breath of hope in us as a society.”

- Herick Oliveira

“Running my fist marathon with friends and family there cheering me on.”

- Anna Gasperlin

“I am thankful for meeting all of my teammates at Lawmatics. Getting to work side-by-side with everyone is such a privilege. It constantly pushes me to be a better team member and makes me look forward to showing up to work!”

- Andrew Field

“I am thankful that my wife and I had the opportunity to travel to Spain and meet my niece! I feel incredibly luck to work for a company that prioritizes a healthy work life balance for its employees.”

- Johnny Bissell

Thanksgiving food being eaten

“I'm the most thankful for the six months I had to grow as an individual while my spouse was on deployment. In that time I gained confidence, a few great communities, and had the chance to reflect and enjoy my own company. My growth with Lawmatics is a direct reflection of that and I'm so proud to be a part of such a great team.”

- Rachel Koscil

“I am most thankful for my first phone call with Monique, she opened up an opportunity that has challenged me time and time again and helps make $$$.”

- Eddy Adame

“I am most thankful for the memories I have made this year with some of the greatest people. Being able to live life surrounded by good company is something we could only hope for!”

- Connor Brown

“An experience I am thankful for with Lawmatics is when we all went to the "haunted" trail. It's great to be able to see your team outside of work and bond over having to embark on a journey of terror and delight. The happy hour drinks helped too! Hahaha, but truly... I am thankful to experience such a collaborative, creative, and motivated team that wants to build each other up and be team players. Culture is everything, and I feel incredibly thankful to be a part of Lawmatics. Cheers to more memories to come!”

- Julia Anderson

“This year has brought me in fact two experiences that stood out, and for which I am incredibly thankful. I have received amazing opportunities for growth as a professional, as I developed my craft and earned new responsibilities at Lawmatics. I am surrounded by a very special group of people and without them, none of these accomplishments would have been possible. I also recently had the opportunity to visit my family and friends back in my home country after several years apart, which meant a lot to me. I look back to 2022 and feel my heart warm in gratitude.”

- Erika Beaudette

“From a company events standpoint, seeing the Padres game from the Western Metal box. From a general standpoint, having the ability to work from the mountain remotely and rip snowboarding runs between work blocks.”

- Eric Nelson

“I'm thankful that I got this job and also that I was able to experience Italy when I've never been to Europe!”

- Dominic Viola

“I'm thankful that Lawmatics gave me a job.”

- Ian Thorleifson

“Grateful for all the cool people I get to work with!!!”

- Nihal Razak

“Being consistently productive at work during this year and being able to save some money throughout the months.”

- Leandro Camargo

“I am most thankful for being able to take my dream vacation to the Maldives for my honeymoon! It was the trip of a lifetime that I will never forget!”

- Monique Padilla

“I am most thankful for getting the job at Lawmatics this year. I have never felt this appreciated, supported, or encouraged in any other job. Not only is my team incredibly kind and supportive, the entire company has welcomed me and encouraged me to succeed. I am so very thankful for being able to work at this phenomenal company.”

- Enid Migault

“I am thankful for all the memories I made with my coworkers this year!”

- Ryan Brown

Patrick Grieve

Patrick Grieve

Patrick is the Content Marketing Specialist at Lawmatics. When he’s not writing (or reading) voraciously, you can probably find him in the stands of the nearest baseball or soccer game.
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