November 2023 Feature Release

Published on November 30, 2023
2 minute read
Devon Roth
Written by Devon Roth

To close out this season of gratitude, our latest feature release from Lawmatics will provide even more reasons to give thanks. A brand new email quick reply option, updates to Advanced Conditional Logic, and new ways to eliminate duplicates – read on to learn all about our most recent features.

Reply to client emails without disrupting workflow

We live to make your day-to-day tasks easier. The new email Quick Reply button does just that. When viewing emails logged on a Contact or Matter’s activity timeline, this new button allows you to write and send a quick response without disrupting your workflow. Emails generated from this button will go right to your client as part of the existing email thread.

**Note: In order to use this feature you must have your Mail Sync set up and the Send from Outbox option enabled.

Reply to client emails without disrupting workflow

Create highly targeted Automations and Documents

After releasing Advanced Conditional Logic earlier this fall, we’ve made enhancements to make the tool even more powerful. Previously available in reports and audiences, this time around we’ve added Advanced Conditional Logic to Automations and Documents. Just another way you can make sure your communications are all perfectly tailored to your unique clients.

Create highly targeted Automations and Documents

Eliminate duplicate Companies

Another enhancement to an existing feature, we’ve expanded the already beloved merge duplicate function to Companies and Company Matters. As you would with Contacts or Matters, navigate to the duplicate Company and select the Merge button. You can then easily select which elements from each Company will be included in the new merged record.

Eliminate duplicate Companies

As always, we love your feedback and encourage you to reach out with any questions or suggestions. Thank you for being a valued member of our community. Together, we continue to push the boundaries of what's possible for law firms.

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Devon Roth

Devon Roth

Devon is Product Manager at Lawmatics, a corgi fanatic, and a born and raised Seattleite turned SoCal lover. She works with all departments at Lawmatics to ensure that our customers have the best experience using a platform that never stops improving.
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