Deep Dive Recap: Marketing & Reporting Essentials in Lawmatics

Published on July 30, 2024
2 minute read
Patrick Grieve
Written by Patrick Grieve

Marketing and reporting are the key drivers of a law firm's profitability. But how do you ensure your marketing efforts hit the mark and your reports provide actionable insights? Join Lawmatics Product Manager Devon as she guides you through the essentials of optimizing your marketing efforts using Lawmatics. From creating stunning HTML emails that captivate clients to precisely segmenting your audience for targeted campaigns, Devon provides a step-by-step guide to revolutionize your approach.

Webinar Timestamps

0:00 — Why use Lawmatics for marketing and reporting?

Devon kicks off the webinar with an overview of why Lawmatics stands out as a game-changer for law firms when it comes to marketing and data insights.

4:54 — How to build and edit an email using HTML templates

Devon’s first product demonstration focuses on the HTML email builder and editor. She shows how users can start with a blank canvas or customize pre-built templates to meet the specific design and branding needs of any firm.

10:00 — Create audiences based on types of marketing emails

Next, Devon discusses how creating specific audiences enables better-targeted marketing campaigns. This segmentation ensures your content reaches the most relevant audience, boosting engagement and conversion rates.

15:34 — Schedule campaigns to be sent out

Effective marketing is often about timing. In this segment, Devon walks through the step-by-step process of scheduling emails to be sent at optimal times, ensuring your message hits your audience when they’re most likely to engage.

21:05 — Create custom reports

Understanding your marketing performance is crucial, and Lawmatics custom reports let you dive into the metrics that matter most. Devon shows how to generate these reports based on different fields, offering insights that help you track success and pinpoint areas for improvement.

41:45 — Add custom reports to your custom dashboards

To wrap up this month’s Deep Dive, Devon incorporates the custom reports into a personalized dashboard. This fully customizable data hub gives you a comprehensive view of your firm’s performance, from marketing ROI to task management efficiency.

Patrick Grieve

Patrick Grieve

Patrick is the Content Marketing Specialist at Lawmatics. When he’s not writing (or reading) voraciously, you can probably find him in the stands of the nearest baseball or soccer game.
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