
April 2023 Feature Release

Published on April 18, 2023
2 minute read
Devon Roth
Written by Devon Roth

Spring has sprung at the Lawmatics office and we’ve got another round of new features in bloom! Last month we announced our new Create From Within user experience; we are thrilled to share more developments to this project as well as other new additions and improvements all throughout the platform.

New display options for true/false Custom Fields

Custom Fields have always been a staple of the Lawmatics CRM, so why not introduce further customization options? With this new feature you can now select from three different display options for your true/false fields: toggle (previously the only option), a checkbox, or a picklist displaying options of “Yes” and “No”. Select the option that is best suited for each Custom Field to give your clients the best possible experience when filling out your intake forms.

New display options for true/false Custom Fields

We’ve also introduced the option for true/false fields to be designated as either "Required" or "Required To Be True".This gives you the flexibility to enforce the selection of a "true" or “false” answer - particularly when a "false" response would result in disqualifying a potential lead.

New display options for true/false Custom Fields

Click here to learn more about custom fields.

Select All option on Matter Page

You already love the ability to bulk update or delete matters in bulk, but we’ve now enhanced this capability by allowing you to select ALL matters without needing to go from page to page. Simply click the checkbox at the top left, highlighted below, then click the Select All option to check all of your total matters. Any updates made will now apply to all matters selected. This new improvement makes it much easier for you to bulk edit a large selection of matters all at once.

Select All option on Matter Page

New Create From Within updates

Build a New Custom Form Within Automations and Matter Profile

Build a New Custom Form Within Automations and Matter Profile

Create New Pipeline and/or Stage When Adding New Matter

Create New Pipeline and/or Stage When Adding New Matter

Add New Practice Areas from Practice Area Field Selection

Add New Practice Areas from Practice Area Field Selection

New Relationship Types Directly From Matter Profile

New Relationship Types Directly From Matter Profile

Also In This Release

Relative Time Filtering Option for Date Fields

Relative Time Filtering Option for Date Fields

Particularly useful for honing in on particular matters within specific time windows, you can now select from relative date options such as “this month” or “last week” any time you are using a Date Field as a filter in the platform. This is also available in Reports and Audiences.

New Layout in Custom Form and Custom Document Builders

New Layout in Custom Form and Custom Document Builders

In alignment with our other user experience improvements, we have also reorganized both the Custom Form and Custom Document editor for improved usability when editing selection options such as Internal Use and Form/Doc Recipient Type.


We hope these new features are just what you need to dust off winter and hop into the new season! As always, feel free to share your thoughts or questions with us by emailing support@lawmatics.com.

Devon Roth

Devon Roth

Devon is Product Manager at Lawmatics, a corgi fanatic, and a born and raised Seattleite turned SoCal lover. She works with all departments at Lawmatics to ensure that our customers have the best experience using a platform that never stops improving.
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